Monday, August 25, 2014


My learning experiences so far in Eco Village School

  For a new bud, who just got out of college, it has been a great learning experience so far. With zero competence in teaching experience and zero knowledge about the concept of Eco village and Eco learning, I started the course and within few days of exploring and soaking in the culture of different learning environment, SVIS has discovered the potential in me, not only the things that i have been missing out in life but also the talents that has been hidden for a long time.
        The journey has been good so far. I have learned so many new things and still the learner in me is craving for the hunger to learn more and more everyday.
                                                                                    The best experiences or the best times were the ones that I went through in the beginning. The first one week session with the heads of the of the heavenly learning school opened my eyes to many things.. Learned many things about self as well as the childhood and inner development. It brought out whats best in me.

                                                                             Starting with the development of infant in mothers womb to the child's psychology during the developmental phase of it's live, the environment needed for learning, the psychological phases in the developmental stages from infant to adolescent all has been really fun to learn.
 The developmental needs ,psychology the childs going through during the process, the roles teacher and parents need to play has inculcated the fire of motivation in me to take up this noble profession. There is so much we can do in bringing up the future of our nation builders. Lead them in the right path, guide them properly.
              At first all i was thinking was Teaching as a mere teacher centered approach. After coming here i have learned how fun a teaching can be made, through group activities, children centered approach, various activities that can not only develop a child mentally but physically as well. Things learned definitely going to make teaching learning experiences a fun thing to do.
                                                                              The knowledge gained is kept,deep within the heart to carry on. Even the classroom interaction with the children and sharing few of my knowledge has proved to be a great advantage in the developmental phase of this profession.
                                                                                                 Things here learned taught me patience, command over my speaking skill, and learned how knowledge sharing can be made into a fun thing using different methods.
                       As the logo says I am here exploring, on the basis gaining experience. I am sure to evolve one day when i leave here. And sooner or later I will be expressing to the world what I have learned from this pristine Institute.

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