Wednesday, December 17, 2014

For you all..

 Sometimes we don't learn through mistakes. We keep on repeating the same mistake again and again..Going in the pace and lost in the moment..Mistake never become the stepping stone to success.

Sometime some people touch our heart without doing anything special..without being funny or doing things as we say. These things becomes undesirable to go with or take the lead when they come from people we least expect it from.

You say you are hurt when you fall, and never care to wake up again, not realising that there are people, right in the corner, looking out for you at every moment...wanting to be near you and take you away from all the down falls you going through...

There are people wanting so desperately to be close to you, hold your hand and make you happy all over again,,,,share your joy at times of happiness...share your sorrow at times of sadness and make your every moment count..

Yet, we don't tend to see anything in the person and look in the other direction where things are motionless and will be in pain forever...not knowing the one who can make everything right is in the other direction...

You need to focus more when you are down...move ahead..change your direction...try out new things and just go with the flow...

Everyday has it's beginning...and in the end if you are not happy..than it's not the end...Always remember the brightest light always comes from the darkest place...

Right thought and right action, always leads to a better quality of life. You need to lay low and lead a simple life. Journey of thousand miles always begins with a single step..a step taken with a smile and simple approach. Every step taken with a fruitful thought will always take you on a beautiful phase of life..

Down the Lane


You may have it today, the reason to smile, the reason to laugh and the reasons to hover over again and again. The moments to cherish.
                                            Tomorrow may not be the same. It may bring you pain, it may bring you misery. It may bring you sorrow you cannot bear. It may tear you apart, break you down and never leave any courage to stand.
                                Don't give up on your hope, is all I want to say. I read it somewhere "when one door of happiness closes..another opens..but often we look at the closed door for so long that we don't realize the one that has been opened for us. So always look out for the new door opened for us. For as long as we have each other's back, we have another day to survive.

                                                                                    We have a bound never to be broken..we have lasting memories..that will never fade.. and we have love for each other that will never die. We have shared joys together, laughed those crazy nights together. We have spend sleepless nights and slept whole day together. 
             Shared our misery, home sickness, sleeping on the terrace, looking at those stars and reminiscing ours times back home together. For all in all regretted being in the college that had no fun stored in for us. 
Yet we survived each and every moment because we had each other. A shoulder to lean on and cry our heart out.

              We didn't have the best of everything but we had our share of fun. We shared joys together every weekend..laughed till the stomach hurt..through all those crazy nights in NS and KK. We never missed out on a birthday bash or any other reason to have a booze night. 
                                                                                          Got high, puked in peep's room, regretting in the morning with bad headache, keeping fake promises never to drink again..puke becoming happy memory to laugh over..yet lived those magic moments with nights to remember and stories to be shared in another night like this to come.
                        Hangover were hard to face..but we never gave up on fun. I hoped and prayed for the same fun to have all over again, after we live here. But now that we are separated by distance..I have only memories to cherish. It is true..I don't miss the college but vibe we had outside forever..You been the best of friends, dear and true to my heart. The moments we had..I long for everyday. 
                                  We may never get back the precious moments we had..but if we ever get back to one place again..I wanna relive the moments all over again...I miss you all my PSNA buddies... 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gained Knowledge

GAIA SESSION. Back to Basic Design Education

Nonviolent communication
What the BBDE term it as NVC or the nonviolent communication was taught in the previous session but couldn’t be completed, so the afternoon class was dedicated to recapitulating what we learned in the previous class. We were taught about shifting our mindset and seeing the difference it brings with the change we are willing to go through.
           To focus our mind on the problem solving. In the NVC it’s all about reframing the statement, fulfilling your needs without doing any harm to the other person. There are different modes in communication, like the passive, manipulative, aggressive, and assertive. During the communication, if you are more passive, it will lead to aggressiveness. Person who are being passive are bound to be used.
         If you are aggressive in your communication than the opposite will be aggressive too. Even if you are manipulative, it will lead to an aggressive result. These type of conversation will yield nothing in the end. There is presence of energy everywhere. Energy moves from one direction to another. The feeling, need for communicating, need for success, need for development are all energy passing from one direction to another. When two person are communicating, the energy is passed from one to another. The energy is being communicated.
          To see the presence of energy around us. Rub your finger together for some time, close your eyes and empty your mind. Then move your hand back and forth, you will notice something between your fingers. Presence of thread like structure depicts the presence of energy. The transition takes place between your fingers at different level.  
        Assertive or nonviolent communication bring different type of energy. Every time there is transition and energy passing, If you change your behavior or energy passing, you will see the positive energy.
Sum up the point of leadership. There are different types of leaders. Some are low task and low relationship who are bureaucrats. Some are high task and low relationship and some high relationship and low task. The compromising ones are the ones who are in middle with 5.5 ratings. All the types of leaderships are effective leaders in different ways.
Low task, low relation type of leaders can be in bank, public sectors and government jobs. These type of leaders are the ones who do things as said. They will take only single step in doing things. These type will not take initiative in doing things, very good with following rules and regulations. High task and low relationship type of leaders are the ones who are good in taking initiatives and are task masters. They are all about completing the task and task oriented. They are least bothered about relationship and sentiments of other people. These types of leaders can be good grandparents and task oriented boss. High relationship and low task leaders are the ones who value relationship than anything else. These type of leaders can be good developer, councilor and teachers. They are not bothered about task but highly feeling oriented. Compromising leaders, those who come on the 5.5 scale are the ones who will be successful executives. They will complete the task and value the relationship too.
Now what matters is know where you stand and make the change. Increase the task or start valuing the relation according to your needs. Leadership is about enabling the others to grow. Take a step, mobilize people around you. Concentrate on the subject, become the task master and keep them happy.
Task and leadership  
Time Matrix

Task can be classified as the following
a)     Some are important and urgent
b)    Important but not urgent
c)     Urgent but not important
d)    Not urgent and not important
How leaders immerge is solely based upon your dreams and interest. So one must hold on to your dreams and have an interest.
The collaboration to collect plastic bottles and building a bottle brick house was discussed based on the above class. Followed by presentation on each topics by individual in the group. The group discussion was done based on the leadership technique and procedure. Form this we learned, the importance of a leader is to connect with nature, relationship and task. You need to plan your weekly/monthly plan according to your task. Time matrix is important for a leader to plan. A leader is one who facilitates. What is important in doing a task is to see what is urgent and important first. With this immediately classification of thing takes place. Thinking can come only when you have the idea of classification.
Pink slip
In software companies if you are not performing up to the mark of the company. You will be given a pink slip. If you see one lying on your table, it means you can take rest. You are not going to be the part of the company anymore. Now a days people go through disease called pink slip syndrome in multinational companies which are treated by councilors in big cities.

Thinking process

                                                                          Process                                             relationship

Relationship is based on contribution. It about what type of relationship you have with each other. It is important to measure the relationship in order to be an effective leader. Process is how you design. The vision matrix and how it is managed. In the process you discuss how is the process, how you are going to do. Somebody will come up with the rule and the real essence of the project will not be there. How individual function in the group is the essence of the group. The three(task, process and relationship) comes only when the leader emerges.
The process has to be
·        Celebrate
·        Encourage
·        Appreciate
The process is very important in the group. How you are going to do it matters. The information to create awareness has to be a unique, so prepare yourself. The title has to be unique and creative. Visualize what’s going to happen, put it in the left side of your brain and you will play exactly like that. You have to start and once you start, it will be created.
Group Discussion
During a group discussion, different types of individual occurs. Based on the role they are taking in the group, the fellow people involved in the group discussion can be classified as
·        Detractor –specific and will talk outside about the group.
·        Observer- okay, let me see what happening type of individuals.
·        Participators- those who participate
·        Contributor- contribute and they like to take leadership.
Leader level
Leader in the group has to be sensitive and handover the leadership. To be an effective leader in a group one must move into higher level of leadership and lead the group. Always try to bring others to another level too. In a group one must always shift the level. Participants will take the lead and ask the observers to participate. Leader is all about making the shift. You have to move forward and take the initiative. In the end a leader in a group is all about making all the members contribute. Take the best from all and keep everyone happy.
What comes to your mind when you hear the words?
100 times you tell a lie, it becomes truth. Money is for circulation so the coin is round. We all have to be the part of the system. If you think you are abundant then you are. Money is only a medium. We all are greedy and we create crisis. Today we enjoy and enjoy it fully, never thinking of tomorrow. Economy in the new direction. Either use it or lose it.
Economic leak

Village produce different products, where it is going? To the town and cities. Economy which can create happiness and which can sustain is the local economy. We have to develop local economy.
To further clarify on the economic leak a game was conducted. Leaks are taking place mainly because we buy products from outside and we have nothing to roll in the economy. But this wasn’t all the reasons behind. The name of the game was “win as much as you can”. It was a auction, each member was given certain money to do the auction. We were to ask to invest and win more. At last after investing in the auction, each group were cheated. We were left with less money than before. But the one who conducted the auction had more money than ever. It all showed how economic loop is happening.
All in all we have to stand together to stop the loop. We can invest less instead of investing more. The best way to prevent economic loop is by a simple method of cooperativeness.
·        Association
·        Common thought
·        Come as volunteer
·        Achieve common social end.
·        Develop economy
To boost the local economy. It’s best to keep the economy in circulation within the cooperatives. Cooperation where multiple owners can come together and create a business. They will work and they will earn. The participation will include members and directors. The limitation of share capital will depend on the interest and volunteerism. To get started with the cooperative, first you need to get organized. Prepare general statements, draft cooperative laws, draft article and repair CDA.
The benefits of cooperative business are
·        Thrift/wise use of money
·        Avail loan
·        Needs solving
·        Love and concern for fellow mates
·        Unified participation
The membership is to any person who express willingness, who are regular. They should know the right and privilege. The members share the money. The offers of the cooperatives are
Ø Directors
Ø Different communities
Ø General manager
Ø Secretary
Ø Treasurer
Management Resources (7M)
ü Money
ü Machine
ü Man
ü Market
ü Materials
ü Measures
ü method

To keep the local economic of our school, a general assembly is formed by BBDE students. To start and learn from the practical form of cooperative. It consist of BOD (Board of Directors) which includes chairman, sectary, Treasurer and Manager. The share capital is from the members. The shop is up and running.  We are learning from the whole scale, integration and management.