Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Down the Lane


You may have it today, the reason to smile, the reason to laugh and the reasons to hover over again and again. The moments to cherish.
                                            Tomorrow may not be the same. It may bring you pain, it may bring you misery. It may bring you sorrow you cannot bear. It may tear you apart, break you down and never leave any courage to stand.
                                Don't give up on your hope, is all I want to say. I read it somewhere "when one door of happiness closes..another opens..but often we look at the closed door for so long that we don't realize the one that has been opened for us. So always look out for the new door opened for us. For as long as we have each other's back, we have another day to survive.

                                                                                    We have a bound never to be broken..we have lasting memories..that will never fade.. and we have love for each other that will never die. We have shared joys together, laughed those crazy nights together. We have spend sleepless nights and slept whole day together. 
             Shared our misery, home sickness, sleeping on the terrace, looking at those stars and reminiscing ours times back home together. For all in all regretted being in the college that had no fun stored in for us. 
Yet we survived each and every moment because we had each other. A shoulder to lean on and cry our heart out.

              We didn't have the best of everything but we had our share of fun. We shared joys together every weekend..laughed till the stomach hurt..through all those crazy nights in NS and KK. We never missed out on a birthday bash or any other reason to have a booze night. 
                                                                                          Got high, puked in peep's room, regretting in the morning with bad headache, keeping fake promises never to drink again..puke becoming happy memory to laugh over..yet lived those magic moments with nights to remember and stories to be shared in another night like this to come.
                        Hangover were hard to face..but we never gave up on fun. I hoped and prayed for the same fun to have all over again, after we live here. But now that we are separated by distance..I have only memories to cherish. It is true..I don't miss the college but vibe we had outside forever..You been the best of friends, dear and true to my heart. The moments we had..I long for everyday. 
                                  We may never get back the precious moments we had..but if we ever get back to one place again..I wanna relive the moments all over again...I miss you all my PSNA buddies... 

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