Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A little bit of photography...:)


All I Can Do...

          It's like the rose that has just bloomed form the garden that was never maintained....you go through so much hardship yet in the end, all you see is the beauty of nature....Life that has faced trouble,sorrow and harsh realities is the one that can count on,everything that come it's way....
          You never know where you can be..until you take a step ahead...life is a opportunity at each step you take...you don't grab it today..you lose it tomorrow...Never learned this while i was crawling through the past
decades of my life....all i did was hold on and let the destiny decide...

      Up until now I learned.."Destiny is not the matter of chance..it's the matter of choice"...You should try making some noise and decide upon what you can be..No one is going to suffer in the end..it's you who matters..it's your choice that counts..and it's you who is going to be.....you troll upon your faith..
      Everything can be changed..It's never too late to decide...Fail and lose everything...In the end..it's the failure that teaches you the life's lesson...loosing doesn't matter when you are through with all the sufferings..
      A little mistake can cause a ocean burst...a mistaken YES can destroy a life...and an unwise decision can make you suffer throughout your life...
         If you strive hard on your voice and suffer to have it your way..you are nothing but the rose that i defined...Be the best you can be...look unique and try to do things differently...Either you see the success or not...it's your happiness that counts...not other seeing success in you...
      No matter what..go your way..follow your path..be unique..do things differently....its you who is going to BE..not someone else  who is guiding you to be...
            NO MATTER WHAT......LIFE GOES ON.................................

Monday, July 23, 2012



Hate is a strange feeling....everybody feels it and everyone has experienced it... No one can define it but everyone does it..or either way someone else feels for them....
    People don't need particular reason to hate the other one...sometimes a strangers face can make you hate them...you don't have to say anything harsh or be rude..if the other one is going to hate you...s/he will do it without a reason..
     For me I always feel like someone is hating me deep..and it make me feel so insane...but when someone really does I can figure it out quickly and I go aside or walk away from that particular person.....
       I do hate people too..it,s not like I don't...and sometimes I don't even need a reason to hate it...I become really judgmental when it comes to the situation of hating...
       Life certainly teaches you a lot.. especially when you are growing up away from your family...no one to console you when you are down and no one to advice you when you do something wrong...you need to make your own decisions either its for good or for bad...
        Seeing some people around doing wrong..and you hating them..feels like you aren't a bhuddist  sometimes...no matter what you learn from them and in the end move on...
       when there is no one to guide you...you are hated the most...but I will say..don't look back...keeping stepping forward....In the end its only you and you matters to yourself and the loved ones who stick with you throughout your life's trial...smile lots and keeping low with the hating thing.. after all you are born to love not to hate....    

Thursday, July 19, 2012



Have you ever imagined the pain of being lonely...its like the prick of thorn in your heart..you are left with nothing to do but to picture what you will do next....loneliness always crawls up in the wrong moment...
         The feeling that you experience when you are lonely is the only feeling that tears your life apart.....stare at the walls..gaze through the window..try to go for a walk..but nothing helps to ease the moment of loneliness...
         Even the song that you listen to makes you feel you are alone and there is no one to hold on to....whenever i am lonely i hate the music....it reminds me so much of how lonely i am....
          loneliness is not only felt when i am alone...even sometimes with lots of people around i feel lonely.... its like i can never create a bound with them.....i feel lost in the moment....i want to go away from it...i don't want this anymore...
     Make a move..take a troll..light up whats dark...clean whats messy and go away from my weird world..to a new beginning..where i don't have the feeling of loneliness anymore.... 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012



Sometimes when you are feeling low and there is no one to talk to......the time never seems to flow and you are caught in middle...Everlasting sorrow and madness crawls through your brain and you are left aside of everything...the madness never ends until you find the right one to talk to about your throw ups and seek a solution to it....I go through these moments time and again..all I do is find a peace from my inner self...Your favorite playlist helps at the moment like this....the sorrow seems to disappear with the rhythm of the music....When you are caught in the moment like this..always feel free to find someone to talk to..even if the other person does't  care..you will feel light inside...so don't feel low...smile and live up to every moment..:)